19 Ways to Encourage Your Volunteers (Kidmin Conference notes pt.4)

Kidmin Conference 2013
Encouraging Your Team

“A great volunteer team is made up of rookies and veterans.”

65% of volunteers say never been thanked.

1.  Create culture of encouragement

“Culture doesn’t happen by accident – it is created.”

2.  Serve them

After they arrived at Capernaum and settled in a house, Jesus asked his disciples, “What were you discussing out on the road?” 34 But they didn’t answer, because they had been arguing about which of them was the greatest. 35 He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” Mark 9

3.  Love them

People don’t follow a title – they follow someone they love and care about

4.  Do Life with them

5.  Help them serve from the overflow

·      Make sure they are attending “big church.”
·      Stay away from “can you stay over and help for an extra service.”
·      Don’t let them overload on serving.
·      Give them time off.
·      Honor them by honoring ratios.

6.  Brag on them

7.  Respect them
·      never confront or correct by email or phone call – in person
·      never demean in front of others
·      return their phone calls and emails
·      follow thru when you tell them you’re doing to do something – write it down

8.  Care for Them

9.  Party with them

10.  Listen to them

11.  Encourage them with your words

12.  Value them

13.  Thank them

14.  Pray for them

15.  Give them gifts

16.  Remind what they do is vitally important

17.  Remind them they are making a difference

18.  Affirm them

19.  Pay them
  • a changed life is their pay
  • stories of life change - tell them
  • invite them to baptisms