I've read and taught the story of the five loaves and 2 fish many times. But as I was reading it again last week something jumped out at me that I had never noticed before.
Another of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:8-9
The bread and fish were small. Small means small in the Bible. The child didn't have a five pound bass. It was a small fish. And we know that Jesus took that small fish and did a big miracle.
From this we learn that...
- Jesus is looking for people with small talent that will make a big surrender. Jesus is more concerned with the size of the surrender than He is with the size of the talent.
- Small Talent + Big Surrender = Big Miracles. He loves to use the small to accomplish the miraculous. This results in the glory going to God instead of man.
- Jesus will continue to use those who stay small after they see Him do big things with what they've surrendered. In order to continue to be used by God, you must remember it is His ability and not yours that causes the miracles to happen.