If you really want to see your children's ministry impact kids' lives, then you've got to make it personal. Here's some ways to do that.
Make sure every child hears someone say their name every time they are at church. No matter how many kids attend your ministry, this can happen if you use name tags. Be intentional about saying kids' names when they are checking in, are inside the room and are leaving.
Make sure every child has a caring leader who knows them. Every child should have at least one leader who is investing in their life. Someone they look forward to seeing at church. Someone who knows when they're not there and lets them know they were missed. This can be accomplished by placing kids in small groups, having leaders who are consistent and being intentional about building relationships with the kids.
Make your communication personal. Remember how you feel when you get a generic email, note or letter that's not personally addressed to you? It's very cold and impersonal, isn't it? And normally it's quickly discarded. But when you receive a personal, handwritten note it's different, isn't it? It makes you feel valued. When you send correspondence, personalize it. It makes a huge difference.
Your turn. The floor is yours. How do you make your children's ministry personal for kids? Share your ideas and thoughts with everyone in the comment section below.