5 Keys to Connecting with Today's Parents

Do you want to be effective at connecting with the parents in your ministry?  Here's 5 keys that will open the door for you.

Key #1 - Jump on board with new communication tools.  The Millennials are the young parents you are trying to communicate with.  And they are known for being technology testers.  In other words, they are the early adopters of new technology.

Keep an eye out for what's trending in social media apps and use it to communicate.  That's where you'll find the young parents in your ministry.

Key #2 - Communicate with snackable content.  In other words, use communication that is quickly and easily absorbed.  Quick videos, tweets and short posts are the way to go.  In a day of 140 characters, less is more when it comes to communicating with today's parents.

Key #3 - Use images as much as possible.  Today's young parents are image driven more than text driven.  They are proving that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Show it more than you type it.  For example.  If you had a family event, post pictures from the event rather than typing up what happened.

Key #4 - Add value to their life.  Parents are looking for help.  Make sure your communication is not just announcing what the next lesson series is or about the empty volunteer roles you are looking to fill.  Give them parenting tips, tools for discipling their kids and marriage help.  Parents are searching for these things and if you provide it, they will connect with you. 

Key #5 - Let the communication flow both ways.  Provide them with avenues to communicate with you.  This is one of the benefits of social media.  It gives parents ways to easily communicate with you.  But remember, today's parents want instant communication.  They are used to getting an immediate response.  If you're going to engage them with social media, make sure you or someone on your team responds quickly when they reach out to you. 
Your turn.  What are some other keys to connecting with today's parents?  Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.