How Good is Your Ministry's Team Work? Take This Test to Find Out.

How well does your children's ministry team work together?  Take this test to find out.  One answer per question.

Team members are provided with a great deal of feedback regarding their performance. - See more at:
Team members are provided with a great deal of feedback regarding their performance. - See more at:
Team members are provided feedback about their performance.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4  - Very often

Team members work together for the common good of the organization.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

There are many complaints and morale is low on the team.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4  - Very often

Team members don't understand the decisions that are made and or don't agree with them.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4  -  Very often

Team members are encouraged to be good team members and build relationships.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4  - Very often

Team members are provided with growth opportunities.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4  - Very often

Meetings are inefficient and there is a lot of overlap.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4  - Very often

Team members are encouraged to commit to the team vision, and leaders help them understand how their role fits into the big picture. - See more at:
Team members are asked to commit to the team's values and leaders help them see how their role fits in.
Team members are encouraged to commit to the team vision, and leaders help them understand how their role fits into the big picture. - See more at:
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

Team members are often given a chance to work on ideas that stretch their thinking and ideas.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

The team understands what it is supposed to accomplish and has the resources needed to be successful.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

Conflict between team members is a pervasive issue.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

Team members feel that good work is not rewarded and they are not sure what they are responsible for.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

Team members balance the need for autonomy with mutual dependance.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

Working relationships  are poor and there is a lack of commitment for the vision.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

We spend time together as a team outside of work.
0 - Not at All
1 - Rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
4 - Very often

Add your points:
46 to 60 - You're a solid team working well together.

31 - 45 - Your effectiveness as a team is patchy.  You're good at some things but need improvement in other areas.

0 - 30 - This is something to be concerned about.  The good news is you've got lots of room for improvement.
Team members are provided with a great deal of feedback regarding their performance. - See more at: