Let Kids Be the Church of Today

We often say that kids are the church of tomorrow.  While that's true, I believe we must remember that kids are also the church of today. 

For too long, we've said "they're just kids" and hindered them from making the huge impact they are capable of.  It is amazing what kids can do when we release them to use their gifts and talents now.  Consider this.

Evan from EvanTube, is a 9-year-old toy reviewer from Pennsylvania.  He has more than 2.8 million subscribers on YouTube and is making $1.8 million a year, according to Fast Company.

Baby Yebin, a Korean YouTube star, has over 1.9 million views at the time of this writing.  She also has over 825,000 followers on Facebook. 

Addie, 8, and Jillian, 10, are the stars of BabyTeeth4.  They have over 1.2 million YouTube subscribers at the time of this writing.  Their video,  Fast Cars, Bad Kids, has over 1.1 billion views.  They have made over 650 videos and produce 5 days a week.

Holly Smith, is a mother who gets more than 6.7 million views per month on her money-saving and extreme couponing channel.  But whenever she features her daughter, Mollie, age  5, in her videos she gets triple the views.

Christian Lalama began playing the piano at 4.  He has 500,000 fans on Musical.ly and his YouTube videos have had more than 5 million views. 

These are just a few examples of the impact kids can have when adults believe in them and give them the opportunity to use their gifts and talents.

How can we let kids be the church of today?

Teach them that God uses kids for His glory.  Take kids to the Scripture and show them the examples of how God has used kids in a great way.  Show them the boy whose lunch Jesus used to feed the 5,000.  Show them the little girl who God used to bring healing to a mighty man named Namaan.  Show them how God used a young boy named David to defeat the Philistines and secure victory for the nation of Israel.  Show them how children lead the way in surrounding Jesus with praise in the temple.  Show them how Joash was anointed king at age 7.  Show them how Josiah was anointed king at age 8. 
When we teach kids that God can use them right now, they will be inspired to be the church now.
Help kids discover the gifts and talents God has placed inside them.  Each child has God-given gifts and talents.  As we help kids move into those gifts and talents, they will begin walking in confidence and effectiveness.  This can be done by helping kids find out what their spiritual gifts are as well as what they are naturally are drawn to and enjoy doing in relation to serving others.

Give kids opportunities to make an impact.  Be intentional about giving kids opportunities to lead and serve.  Here are a few practical ways you can do this.

Pre-teen serving projects

Serving opportunity after church services

Serving alongside their parents

Leading worship

Pre-service impact opportunities

Involve them in special offerings

Give them ways to invite people to attend church

Celebrate how God is using them to make an impact.  You can be sure when you give kids the opportunity to be the church of today, God will work in them and through them.  Celebrate this.  Share the stories of the impact God is using them to make.  Make a big deal about it because it is a big deal.

Remember that kids who start serving God young in life have a far greater probability of serving Him for a lifetime.  Stats show that kids who engage in being the church, rather than just attending the church, will continue being actively involved in the church when they are adults.
If we tell kids they have to wait until they are adults to be the church, they may not be in church when they are adults.
When we let kids be the church today, it helps activate their faith and makes it come alive!  Kids serving as greeters are more likely to grow up to be adults greeting.  Kids leading worship are more likely to grow up to be adults leading worship.  Kids having a part in teaching the lesson are more likely to grow up to be adults teaching the lesson.  Kids spreading the Gospel are more likely to grow up to be adults spreading the Gospel.  Kids serving as ushers are more likely to grow up to be adults serving as ushers.  Kids involved in missions are more likely to grow up to be adults involved in missions.

Will you let the kids in your church be the church of today?