Connect12 Curriculum Giveaway

This week I am giving away one of my curriculum series.  

Connect12 is a one-year curriculum that teaches kids 12 key truths from the Bible.  It takes them from salvation to spiritual leadership.

Churches across the country are using this curriculum and are sharing how engaging it is with children.  

Connect12 gets into children's long-term memory.  I am currently using it where I volunteer as a large group teacher.  The kids can all name the key truths from 7 months ago.  I incorporate important learning techniques such as hands-on activities, learning styles, discussions, engaging videos, fun games and more. The curriculum also includes an original worship song with motions for each series. 

Connect 12 has the best teaching strategy of any curriculum.  I guarantee you that your kids will remember the key truths for the rest of their life.  Connect12 also has a solid focus on apologetics which is crucial in today's society. Every part of the class / service has been carefully crafted to help kids learn how they learn best.  And's not fluff.  There are times of prayer and meditation and Bible learning throughout the series.

Here is a video overview of the curriculum.  It's great for Sunday morning children's services and Bible classes,  Wednesday night Bible programming, Bible clubs and more.

I am giving away one series this week ($59 value).  You get to pick the series.  To enter, all you have to do is send me an email (  A week from today, I will randomly draw a name for the winner.

You can purchase individual series for only $59 a month or an entire year for only $499. That's only around $10 per lesson. Click here to learn more about the Connect12 teaching strategy and to get more information.